Homes for Sale in Oregon- offer acceptance

 Homes for Sale in Oregon Even though there are a lot of listed homes for sale in Oregon, the process is complicated and lengthy. Many buyers feel frustrated because they need to go through a lot of paperwork, and that is if their offer gets accepted after competing with several others for their dream property. […]



If you are planning to sell a home in Oregon, then this is just the right time to crack great deals. There has been an immense rise in the value of properties in Oregon this year, and it is only expected to rise more in the coming year. So, here are a few tips that […]

Realtor Salem Oregon- Homebuyers choice

Realtor Salem Oregon- Homebuyers choice

Buying a Home in Oregon Realtor Salem Oregon  How to find an  realtor Salem Oregon, read on. Looking for a home for sale in Oregon ? If you are a home buyer it starts with knowing what you pre-approval amount is. Look for homes that you qualify for. First Time Home Buyers For first time […]


Historic Restorations There is no doubt about the fact that your home means a lot to you, but if you are living in an old Oregon house that has a lot to repair and rebuild, then it is always a great idea to go for restoration. Restoration is always a great idea, especially if you […]

Land for Sale in Oregon

Land for Sale in Oregon MORE RealtyAl CronemillerLicenced in the State of Oregon Beautiful Land for sale in oregon It’s not a big surprise that we have been seeing many people Moving to Oregon. Oregon is a beautiful state, and has so much to offer. At the time of this writing Oregon, for the last 5 years has been […]

Land for sale in Oregon

MORE Realty Al Cronemiller Licenced in the State of Oregon Oregon Real Estate For the past 4 to 5 years Oregon real estate has been very popular. The Moving to Oregon craze has created a little bit of a housing shortage here. Most areas in Oregon have seen sizeable appreciation with Newburg, Oregon seeing some […]

Real Estate Salem Oregon

Real Estate Salem Oregon

Real Estate Salem Oregon Search HERE for Oregon Homes  For the last 4 to 5 years we have seen a bunch of people moving to Oregon looking for real estate Salem Oregon. This has increased the popularity of Oregon real estate as you can imagine. There are two main areas to find homes. You can search the […]

Homes for sale Salem Oregon

Homes for sale Salem Oregon

Oregon real estate If you’re from California and you’re a little tired of the traffic, crowds and the cost of housing it might be time to look for some Oregon real estate.Homes for sale Salem Oregon  Currently the housing market is doing great, interest rates are low for buyers and we are still in a […]

Willamette Valley Oregon

Willamette Valley Oregon

Willamette Valley Oregon The Willamette Valley is 150-mile long that goes from Eugene to the south, north to Portland. . The Willamette River flows the entire length of the valley and is bordered  by the  the Cascade Range to the east, the Oregon Coast Range to the west.  Willamette Valley  A massively productive agricultural area, […]

Homes for Sale in Salem Oregon

Homes for Sale in Salem Oregon

Homes for sale in Salem Oregon With all the people moving to Oregon the homes for sale in Salem Oregon have decreased. The building craze is going pretty good, supply is trying to meet demand. Portland and the surrounding area has always been sort of the hot spot with the big city feel, plenty to […]