Moving to Oregon , the perfect Destination!

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Al Cronemiller
Licenced in the State of Oregon

Moving to Oregon

As everyone knows moving is not all that much fun. Moving to Oregon will be another story all together. Oregon is a state full of outdoor activities. From the snow capped mountains and skiing to the majestic Columbia river and its awesome wind surfing, there is an activity for everyone.

So, where do we start? Let’s take a look at the Oregon coast. The view at the mouth of the Columbia river was the same view Lewis and Clark had when they finally reached the ocean from a long journey across the united states.

Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia is one of the oldest towns in Oregon. It has long been a main port and hub for trade in this area. Driving down the coast from Astoria you go through many small towns from Seaside, where you are sure to find just the perfect beach cabin for a vacation to Lincoln City where after your visit to the marine science center you can drive around the bay to old town and take in the Wax museum and have some clam chowder at Mo’s.

If you fancy yourself as a fisherman, like crabbing or digging clams then this area is for you. Oregon has the most delicious clam you will ever taste, the razor clam. Although they are not as easy to find as they once were, they are a prize when found. The crabbing at many of the bays from Winchester Bay, Yaquina Bay, Waldport and Coos Bay are very popular due to the lure of Dungeness crab. Much better that snow crab or king crab.

There are three seafood’s found in Oregon that are tops in their category, the Dungeness crab, Razor clam and Chinook salmon, no better seafood found anywhere. It’s no wonder that moving to Oregon has become very popular.

With only 3 states bordering the Pacific Ocean, Oregon has the fewest people and the most activities of any state.

Moving inland Oregon has many towns and cities that offer up great things. With Portland being the leader in job production most people move there. This is fine if you don’t mind dealing with traffic. Like any big city the population seems to outgrow the streets that were built for them.

Portland is also known for its micro-brews and great music scene. With “Keep things weird” being Portland moto it’s not a surprise to see about anything you can imagine. Most people when moving to Oregon will end up in the Portland area due to jobs but the real beauty will be found in other places throughout Oregon.

Oregon is also the leader in wine production with the center being in Dundee Oregon. Dundee is a very small town in the Willamette valley but sits in the epicenter of wine country. The south and east facing slopes in this area along with the weather pattern that comes over the coast range and through the Van Duzer corridor makes for the perfect climate to produce their world-famous  wine.

McMinnville, that sits about 20 miles to the south of Dundee has won an award for having the best main street in America. The popularity of the wine industry has changed this whole area for the better, where once there was neglect the influx of money from the wine industry has really changed things for the better. Property prices increasing and building throughout to accommodate the influx of residents.

When moving to Oregon you have to ask yourself do I want crowds or do I want a little more of a low-key area to live in. Most towns in Oregon will be free from traffic except Portland. But Portland has the most jobs. Pick your poison.

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