Salem Oregon Real Estate- The Two Best Investments

Salem Oregon Real Estate- The Two Best Investments

Salem Oregon Real Estate–  Two Best Investments Salem Oregon real estate has always been a pretty good investment if you know what you are doing. They say more money has been made in real estate than any other occupation combined. That may have been true before Amazon came along. The trick with real estate is […]

Historic Restorations Tips

Historic Restorations Tips

MORE RealtyAl CronemillerLicenced in the State of Oregon Historic Restorations Don’t Forget This! If you are anything like me, I love old houses, especially Craftsman Style. The Craftsman era began in force right after the first World War 1 in about 1919, up until that point the war effort took up the time of many. […]

Real Estate Salem Oregon

Real Estate Salem Oregon

If you are moving to Oregon the real estate Salem Oregon is some of the best. Salem, The Cherry City earned a cherry ranking on our 2015 list thanks to its many recreational, cultural and natural amenities; easy access to quality and affordable health care; and a population well distributed across age groups to support […]

What happened to all the homes in Oregon?

What happened to all the homes in Oregon?

MORE RealtyAl CronemillerLicenced in the State of Oregon What happened to the Homes for sale in Oregon? Every year the inventory of houses on the market decreases around winter time. Normally between November and February the selection gets pretty thin, this year is no exception. It is the seller’s mentality that since the weather isn’t […]

Historic Restorations- Stay True

Historic Restorations- Stay True

MORE Realty Al Cronemiller Licenced in the State of Oregon Historic Restorations, Stay true to the period. Here is a great related article Across the United States following the end to the first world war in 1918 a building boom started. This was not only a building boom where we were to see beautiful craftsman homes spring […]