Home Sellers Tips and Tricks

Home Sellers Tips and Tricks

MORE Realty
Al Cronemiller
Licenced in the State of Oregon

Home Sellers Tips and Tricks

When the real estate market is cruising along in overdrive, like it is, many home owners choose to try and sell themselves. After all who wouldn’t like to save 6%.

The two options is sell yourself or hire it done. Research the sales success rate of For Sale by Owners and real estate agents.

With For sale by owners selling 9% of there homes and good real estate agents selling about 89%, one would think there is a reason. Like anything it’s the difference between specialized knowledge and experience, being in the trenches, coupled with the extra exposure on the MLS is what creates the disparity.

If you are to increase your odds following a strict marketing plan will increase a home owners success rate of selling their own home. Here is how I break this down.

When it comes to selling a home there are a few things to think about. The big one is 90% of people shop online for homes! We need most our advertising here as they are going to see an add, pictures and the text.

90% of our buyers shop, online, Ad- Pictures- Text.

There are a few things that need taken care of.

The first one is having the home ready to sell, clean, fresh paint and nice yard. With your home being “sale ready” you are now ready for professional photos. Photos are one of the first thing buyers see.

The second thing they notice is the text and how the add reads. The science behind writing a good add is that all people buy on emotions and justify with logic, that’s what the studies show. If your add can entice more people and create an emotional response you are part of the way there. With 90% of the homebuyers shopping on the internet, why not have the add look an read as good as possible.

If a for sale by owner seller has the add text and the pictures nailed and the home ready to sell the last obstacle is normally the one that causes the most problems.

home sale in oregon


Part of the reason we have so much disparity with selling a home with FSBO as opposed to an agent is that when an agent lists a home and puts it on the MLS it immediately goes in front of every agent and their respective buyers. Shortly after the property goes live about 90 web sites pick up that add automatically, this includes Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com and many, many more. This is where the FSBO sellers fall short, the lack of exposure and marketing expertise.

The bottom line is that the more eyes you can get on a home the higher price you will get for it, and the faster it will sell. This is the main reason why we have the disparity in sales success between the good agent and home owner.

If a homeowner can get all the advertisement perfect then comes some other work. Since things don’t work quite like a realtor, the home owner will need to post the advertisement on all the sites manually, there can be up to 90 or so, post as much as possible.

Then comes the scheduling of the showings for the property. Normally the owners are not there so the buyers can talk freely. This helps sell homes.  Facilitating this is a little rougher with the seller selling.

Once the offers start coming in it helps to know how to negotiate the offers for the highest price. This takes planning at time of listing for proper sales text.

Most sellers jump on the first good offer that comes along but it is more than that. The buyer needs to be vetted to make sure the loan type and time frame of the loan will work with the seller. Not all offers are created equal even with the same offer price.

After an offer has been accepted and the inspections are done, it is then time to negotiate the repair addendum. If there is no realtor involved the buyer has to figure out all this on their own. This is where some YouTube research would be good.

Not to say all realtors are good at this but this is where we are trying to save money. you can learn more from HERE.

Most buyers want representation from a realtor so the paperwork protects everyone now, and way into the future. The dynamic where by the buyer is representing themselves and has to figure out what kind of paperwork is needed and where to sign many times hinders the buyer from moving forward. Have everything figured out before starting can not be underestimated.

Here is a recap of the main topics:

  1. Get Home Ready to sell
  2. Take Professional Photos
  3. Market Everywhere


If you would like to talk me about listing your place or have questions about how to sell yourself, don’t hesitate contacting at al@cronemiller.com or visit my web site at www.homesforsalesalemoregon.net 

Have a great day!




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