Real Estate Salem Oregon

 Real Estate Salem Oregon

Fall has arrived and some are thinking of house shopping. This is such an important time as real estate Salem Oregon  is a huge investment. Special care needs to be taken to make sure your choice is the right one.

As an Agent for MORE Realty my main concern is my client’s money and happiness. I want to make sure they don’t pay more than they have to when buying a home, and the home we find is a perfect fit and feels right.

Oregon real estate

Oregon real estate will be similar to other states in that the nice properties will sell fast in most cases. If you are searching by yourself without help from a quality realtor you will be behind the curve. Most serious home shoppers will have a great agent looking for just the perfect home for them.

This makes perfect sense as it’s not the buyer that pays for the broker, it’s the seller. Why wouldn’t you have an expert by your side. Finding homes for sale in Oregon is easy, finding great buys in great areas takes time and work.

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Oregon real estate

As with most states the inventory s in the winter months, this is due to the perception sellers have about buyers taking the winter off. The winter weather can slow things down a bit but the buyers don’t go away, moving is not seasonable.

If you happen to be Moving to Oregon find a great broker/agent than can help you. Find one that does more than look on the MLS. Find an agent that goes a step further in finding homes. Ask them how they go about finding places.

Competition with buyers

You are going to be competing with many home buyers, they will all have agents helping them.

The best places to live in Oregon will be a personal preference. Oregon real estate is well priced compared to other states so there will be much to choose from. Like many states, the areas people don’t want to live in are priced lower.

Oregon real estate

You will find great beauty in Oregon real estate. Our state is full of rivers and streams. Lakes are speckled across our state and mountains reach high. There will be something for everyone.

Call now and get signed up with the best buyer’s agent in Oregon! Go to for all your home searches. Call me I would love to help 503-949-5025,



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